Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Quiet Place


The view that I have from the barn.
Every night for a little over a week I have been going outside just before I head off to bed. I go out to my family's unfinished barn. Climb up the ladder, walk across the flat roof and plop myself down at the other side of the roof, where I can look out at the field next to our property. It's my time that I get just to think, unwind and most of all spend quality time with my Heavenly Father. It's amazing how much it helps, after stress filled day, to sit back and look at the starry night sky and just let it all go. Most of all there are so few distractions in quiet country night, making it great for talking to the one that made us all.
  I don't know if you (the one reading this) has ever done what I described. Maybe you can't, don't have the time or just can't seem to shut off that brain of yours. It makes sense, since most of us are constantly bombarded with everything imaginable; people talking, the next world crisis, drama at work and all those shiny man-made devices that are just so tempting. I mean, it's a wonder that we can get sort of peace from this world, maybe some can't. But despite all those distractions in this world, there are places that still hang on to that quiet, pure form of living. These places, though sometimes hard to find, can always be found if you search hard enough.
  How can you find one of these places? Well, how can you do anything without trying? You see, these places aren't locations that you can just go to. They are more of the place that you find yourself when you are looking up at the stars and that feeling of how small you really are. Or looking at a beautiful sunset (kind of oxymoron there, because what sunset isn't beautiful) and wonder how our Creator as the ability to make it so no two sunsets are alike. For it me it's when I'm by myself with Yahuwah, in nature just studying His creation. That is where I feel closest to Him. Where I can sometimes even hear His voice in the wind or in the cricket's song. And when I feel the most at peace.
   To sum it up... The only way I know how to find these places is by believing and following the example  of the One that spoke these words...

Joh 14:27 “Peace I leave with you – My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

Yahushua, the Son of the Creator of all...
